There is something inherent within us, though, that recognises a need for change, growth and fresh ambition when a New Year comes our way.
The apostle Paul writes in Philippians 3 what must be the perfect New Year resolution and statement of purpose for a disciple of Jesus Christ.
After 30 years of following Christ, Paul states that he still needs to express his one consuming goal. His resolution was to know Christ more and better, to know the power of the resurrection and the fellowship of His suffering! (Philippians 3:10 11)
These magnificent goals are a great yardstick to measure our passion and purpose as followers of Jesus. They remind us of what the Lord Jesus Christ has done for us, causing us to be able to partake of a bodily resurrection because of His sacrifice, and the reality of knowing the power of the Holy Spirit within us as we walk humbly in obedience with Christ.
Simply put, are we placing ourselves in situations that will bring us to a closer walk with Christ?
A searching question for us all (one that Paul himself faced) is: do we count other influences and interests, that might sidetrack us in our walk, as dross or rubbish?
For Paul, his response was wholehearted commitment, no matter the cost for his life of discipleship.
May our God give us His grace as we seek to walk before Him in openness and obedience!