Operation Christmas Child is a unique project of Samaritan’s Purse that brings joy and hope to children in desperate situations around the world through gift-filled shoe boxes. It provides a great opportunity for people of all ages to be involved in a simple but hands-on project that has the power to transform children’s lives.
In 2012, their teams in Australia and New Zealand delivered 308,263 gift-filled shoe boxes to South East Asia and the South Pacific. This year the number of shoe boxes given by Australia and New Zealand passed 3-million and globally, over 100-million shoe boxes have now been given to kids in more than 130 countries since 1993.
Our Friday Craft & Friendship Group have for years, been very keen supporters of this Outreach to children, and are again busily preparing for 2013 Christmas Boxes. Margaret and her team are working with much love and enthusiasm, and if you would like to share in this project, you’ll find information on the Notice Board and she is always more than happy to share details with you. There are details of suitable items recommended to be included in the shoe boxes, and they need to be ready for the National pick-up month of October.
If you are on the web, you will really appreciate a visit to www.samaritanspurse.org.au where information, advice and many stories are shared. It will thrill your heart and stir you to prayer and support for this wonderful Christian outreach to so many children of the world!