
"The Church fell on evil times ..."

Maturity - I am presently involved in writing a book. I, and my co-writer Craig Brown, have been engaged by Churches of Christ Queensland to write a history book on the story of Churches of Christ in this great State. This has been a fascinating journey into the past life of varying churches throughout Queensland. Craig and I have had together some great “aha” moments as we discovered some special moments in our past history.

Here are two of those moments…...

First Moment. The first woman minister/preacher in Churches of Christ Australia was right here in Queensland! Vi Callanan was her name. A graduate of our National Bible College, then in Glen Iris, Melbourne, Vi served three years as the pastor of the Hawthorne Church in Brisbane in the early 1930’s. Blessed with a sparkling personality, she was well known for her ministry among young people.

Second Moment. One day in the archives, Craig and I stumbled across a hand-written diary of Missionary John Thomson from the late 1800’s. John Thomson pioneered a Christian ministry among the Kanakas (euphemism for slave labour) in the Childers’ and Bundaberg area. From this ministry in Central Queensland the good news story of Jesus travelled back to Vanuatu.

But we sadly found, again and again, negative moments in our past history. One phrase, used several times, stays with me. “The church fell on evil times”.

Why does a church fall into evil times?

A major answer is a lack of maturity among the believers of a local church.
And that is a lesson for our church to reflect on – even this day.

…… Geoff Risson

Bulletin 23rd June 2013 here