
What does Jesus think of Christmas?

 “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given.” Isaiah 9:6

“the angel said to them: ‘…I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all people’.” Luke 2:10

There’s a big birthday bash coming up. It will be celebrated at venues across Australia and much of the world. Almost everyone in this nation will participate in some way or another. Strangely though, the guest of honour won’t be seen or recognised by most party-goers. Many don’t even know who He is.

The celebration will be a huge boost to the economy. There is no other time in the year that so much effort is put into décor-ations and food preparation. And PRESENTS!!! Almost everyone seems to get one even though it’s not their birthday. Many children get so many that they don’t know what to do with them. ...Almost everyone – the one most likely to miss out is the Birthday Boy Himself.

The celebration of Jesus’ birth, Christmas, has become a season. It goes on for several weeks and most of us will attend multiple Christmas gatherings. Christmas impacts our society in so many ways, mostly positive. There are those who miss out. Some don’t get a present and some are left lonely and sad. Some are left in financial difficulties after the season.

What do you think Jesus actually thinks of Christmas?!

I hope and pray that each of us will truly experience the Christmas blessings of Love, Joy, Hope and Peace this year. Enjoy the season but don’t forget the Birthday Boy. What present could you give to Jesus this Christmas? What presents has He given you this year? What blessings can you pass on to others in recognition of the gift that God gave to earth?

Pastor Lyall