
The Importance of “Small Things”

Sceptical about the usefulness of a small lunch, Andrew said to Jesus, “What are (these five loaves and two fish) among so many?” (John 6:9). 

Yet the little lunch in the hands of Jesus turned out to be a huge blessing.

Sometimes, at various stages of our lives, we think we do not have much to offer Jesus. One of my favourite illustrations is the following true story.

Edward Kimball, a Sunday School teacher in Boston, decided to visit a young man in his class to be sure he was a Christian. That day he led that man, Dwight L Moody to the Lord.

Moody, the “Billy Graham” of the 19th century, had a major impact on Wilbur Chapman. Chapman became a prominent evangelist who recruited Billy Sunday to his team, which saw great results across America at the time.

Out of this ministry came another evangelist called Mordecai Ham, who in turn held a tent revival crusade in a town called Charlotte. In one of these meetings, a young man called Billy Graham received Christ as His Saviour - his ministry touching even our own lives.

Out of a seemingly small, faithful witness to Christ, an incredible chain reaction of spiritual ministry resulted in the building of the Kingdom of God in quite remarkable ways.

When you are prompted by the Holy Spirit to act in some way, even though it might seem insignificant, you do not know what God will do with that action, or prayer, or faithful witness to Jesus.

“What may seem insignificant mundane, routine or small is often used by God to show His power over all.”  (Spurgeon)

Pastor Roger