
This Thirsty World

Genesis 21:22-34 

‘Then Abraham planted a tamarisk tree in Beersheba, and there called on the name of the Lord, the Everlasting God’ (Genesis 21:33, NKJV).

Here is old Abraham, just planting a tree and living by his well. Why are we told this?

It is a symbol of what is taking place in Abraham’s life. The tree immedi ately brings to mind Psalm 1, which says the man of God will be like a tree planted by rivers of living water, bringing fruit in its season. Here is a life that is fruitful, that is concerned about those immediately around, and is pouring out blessing into their lives and hearts.

Abraham calls upon the name of Jehovah, the eternal God. Have you ever thought that if the Church is to do anything at all to help the poor, blind and helpless world around us, it will be only as God’s people rediscover what it means to live daily in the strength, the power and the purpose of the calling of God himself? This is what brings the kind of joy that Abraham found, and that the world is looking for.

This is crucial, because if we are not in fellowship with the Lord Jesus, we have nothing to offer! It is only as we discover the strength and inner peace and power that comes from fellowship with Christ and a living God, that we have something to offer to the world around us.

Abraham became the only source of hope in the land of the Philistines because he stayed close to His God.

This is the challenge for every generation. May we not be found wanting!

Pastor Roger