
Dreaming great dreams

At this time of the year, we often talk a lot about ‘vision’. What is my vision for the year, what are my personal goals, and how will I know when I have achieved them?

Last year, Keith Winter planted some Agapanthus in the church garden. He thought he had planted a white and blue border, and it wasn’t until they began to flower that he found out they were all blue!

However, Keith’s vision was for a blue and white border, so he has since planted white ones while shifting blue ones away. Keith’s vision will come to pass this year.

Do you have a personal vision? Here are three major obstacles to achieving your vision:

Fear: Sometimes it seems very hard and scary to dream our visions or goals because they can be so far removed from reality and future possibility. Sometimes we are simply called to step out, take the plunge and ‘let God’ fulfill His God-given dream which He has imparted to you. His promise is that He will never leave or forsake us; He will complete the good work already begun within our lives.

Busyness: Busyness is deadly to a meaningful life. A frantic adrenalin rush of speed through the day can easily take us off course and walking in the wrong direction. A wise man once said, “Ruthlessly eliminate hurry from your life. Remember, there is a place to be still before the Lord”. In stillness and in confidence, we receive strength for each day as we wait upon our Lord.

Expectation: It can be the expectations of others that can stifle our personal vision and disconnect us from our deepest aspirations. Remember, God has made each of us unique and has blessed each one with unique giftings and a place in the body of Christ.

Dream great dreams, attempt great things for God, and let Him lead! May God bless you as we walk together in 2015.

Pastor Roger