
Roses in our Garden

The roses in our garden are so beautiful today.
With budding blossoms everywhere; 
some colours soft and gay.
The petals are so fresh and smooth 
But, “Ouch”, I found a thorn
And glancing at my finger, I see that it is torn.

 Our life is like the lovely rose, 
we’ve beauty everywhere,
But sometimes when a thorn gives pain,
It seems more than we can bear.
We forget about the beauty of simple things or rare,
We let the pain blot out the joy 
of our loving Father’s care.

In the Springtime comes the new growth. It’s a time of rebirth too,
And death has been defeated – It shows what God can do.
Today we learn a lesson 
from these freshly budding flowers,
As we know God’s love is with us 
through every passing hour.

Adapted from a poem by Maymie I. Kellett

Bulletin 29 September 2013 here