We had a new photo copier delivered to our Office on Thursday. Hooray! No more paper jams; now we have up-to-date technology that will make some tricky jobs easier. If the photocopier could talk, it would remind us of a few points……
Firstly, it would say - ”Great timing!” Because it was ordered around the end of the financial year, we were able to negotiate a lease $3 cheaper than that with the previous company, and $40 cheaper for this brand of new machine, due to the volume of imports at this time of the year.
This is a reminder that the Lord’s timing has been perfect. For months we had been putting up with an old unreliable and inferior copier, always leaking toner, and towards the end of June, we all felt a strong leading to explore other options. This has been the result.

Secondly, there is an interesting sticker on this copier. Written in several languages, it warns against photocopying paper money! The salesman related that, as a young teenager, he photocopied a $100 note, wanting it to decorate a handmade guitar. He placed the note on the copier (a new digital one connected to the internet) and three weeks later a policeman came to his home demanding an explanation.
This or course, reminds us that for every action, good or bad, there is a consequence - a hidden judgment that can come our way. As we explore Acts 5:1-11 this morning, we are being challenged concerning our integrity and the consistency of our witness.
Oh, yes - a major difference for us all, is that at the end of the five-year lease, the machine will be owned by our Church.
Isn’t it great to know that the price of our salvation has already been paid? We are under new ownership; we are bond slaves of the holy Lord Jesus Christ.
May God bless you as we walk together