
“…To know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fulness of God.” 

Ephesians 3:19

As we shared last Sunday, and trust that the power of our meditation has lingered with you, Pentecost needs to be perpetuated, as we constantly remember that our God came to mankind to give Himself to us, that we might breathe Him in, as we breathe in the air …. that He might fill us.

As promised, we repeat the illustration given by ardent soul-winner and author, Dr. A.B. Simpson, which was about as good as any we have heard. He said, “Being filled with the fullness of God is like a bottle in the ocean. You take the cork out of the bottle and sink it in the ocean, and you have the bottle completely full of ocean. The bottle is in the ocean, and the ocean is in the bottle. The ocean contains the bottle, but the bottle contains only a little bit of the ocean. So it is with the Christian.”

We can be filled with the fullness of God when we immerse ourselves in His love, in His ways, in His Spirit and in His word; however we cannot contain all of God because God contains us; but we can have all of God that we can contain.

If we only knew it, we could enlarge our vessel. The vessel gets bigger as we go on with God.”

Our Christian walk should be a journey towards spiritual maturity that allows us to experience more and more of Christ’s fulness.

 …...Roger Matthews

May 26th Bulletin here