
It's better higher up!

The American evangelist, Dwight L. Moody, told the story about a Christian woman who was always bright, cheerful and optimistic, even though she was confined to her room because of an illness. She lived in an attic apartment on the fifth floor of an old, rundown building.

A friend decided to visit her one day and brought along another woman, a person of great wealth. Since there was no lift, the two ladies began the long climb upward. When they reached the second floor, the well-to-do lady commented “What a dark and filthy place!” Her friend replied “It’s better higher up!” When they arrived at the third-floor landing, another remark was made, “Things look even worse here!” Again, the reply was “It’s better higher up!”

Finally, they reached the attic level, where they found the bed-ridden child of God, a smile on her face radiating the joy that filled her heart. Although the room was clean and flowers were on the window sill, the wealthy visitor blurted out “It must be very difficult for you to be here like this!” Without a moment’s hesitation, the shut-in responded “It will be better higher up!”

Right then, she was in a valley, but with her eyes fixed on the eternal, she had found the secret of satisfaction and contentment. She had been with Jesus in His Word. She had seen His glory on the mountain-top. “It is better higher up!”

May we cultivate a mountain-top relationship with our Lord, so we can walk through the valleys.

May God bless you as we walk together.

Yours, in Christ
Roger Matthews, Pastor