
Promises, Promises

They’re a very real part of our lives, aren’t they - bringing  both hope and disappointment on occasions.

In the Village service last week as we sang “Standing on the Promises of God” there was a moment to consider just how meaningful those words are to those who have put their faith in our loving God.   What are some of those promises?   Here are but a few someone has listed in meditation   ….

Wisdom for every decision,
Peace for every circumstance,
Strength for every task,
Supply for every lack,
Comfort in every trial,
Hope for every crisis,
Guidance for every dilemma,
Security for every storm,
Truth to counter every lie,
Success in every endeavour as God measures success,
Aid in every battle,
Help in every failure,
Meaning and purpose in good and bad circumstance,
Forgiveness for every sin,
Eventual triumph over every obstacle,
Faith for every challenge, and Life Eternal with Him.

We are assured in Psalm 145:13 that ‘The Lord is faithful to His promises, and He is merciful in all His acts.  He helps those who are in trouble; He lifts those who have fallen.’

Do you have this assurance today?

9th June 2013 bulletin here